Sunday, January 27, 2013

Sunday Family Funday Breakfast

Having a husband who works as many hours as he does there are very few meals through the week that we actually get to eat together.  The only meal Monday through Saturday that the family ever gets to eat together is dinner and that is if DH is home at night which is only the case 50% of the time.  Sunday, as i'm sure for most families, is the exception.  DH and I have an unsaid agreement that I do not mind him going into the office on Saturdays but Sundays are for me and the girls!  Generally, I do try to do something a little more on these days for breakfast that I normally do.  I do make sure my girls get a hot freshly cooked breakfast everyday but on Sunday I try to go a little beyond normal.  Even if it's just bagels that DH has gone out, it's something different from the normal oatmeal or eggs.

This morning instead of going out and getting bagels I told DH to stay at home because I had some cinnamon buns in the fridge and we might as well use them.  Quickly I searched for something fun to do with them and came across this site.  As a mom, of course, I love other mom sites!  So here was our yummy, super easy, and extremely quick cinnamon bun breakfast.

This is also my first attempt into food photography...

 I definitely make a point to remember to spray the waffle iron with non-stick spray!  Nothing is worse than having to throw something out because it got stuck and burned while you are trying to remove it.  BUT, what's even worse than that is having to clean an appliance or pan that has had food stuck and burned onto it.  Also, when I looked at the cinnamon buns and all of the sugar and cinnamon on top i pictured a messy nightmare to clean.

 Less than 4 minutes after placing the cinnamon buns in the waffle iron they were done.  SOO much faster than making them in the oven and definitely much less time waiting for a waffle iron to heat up than the oven (which I broke this week anyway).

The finished product!

And of course the Happy Customer!!!

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